First a few words...
Let's go to bed, don't think of sex
We don't have to sleep together
Not in the same bedroom.
Let's go to bed, begin to dream
We don't want to have a nightmare
Not in the same horror.
Let's go to bed, hope to awake
We don't want to sleep forever
Not in the same graveyard.
The End (of the few words)
As a man, if you poured out your heart to a girl you "love" and then she responded by saying "You are such a dreamer"...You might experience some boost in your testosterone level which you can tell by the degree of offense you take to her response.
Unfortunately this feeling of being offended when something negative is said about your country has been beaten out of far too many Nigerians. It has become cliche and almost customary to hear that a Nigerian did something bad while in a foreign country. For instance, "Nigerian-born delinquent commits fraud". It is so bad that no one is surprised anymore.
However, another cliche feeling is that of excitement when we hear news like "Nigerian teenager gets admission into eight ivy-league schools" or "Nigerian-born striker scores goal to clinch Champions League victory for [insert club name]".
We have two choices here.
1. Continue saying negative things about Nigeria, dreaming horror for Nigeria and wake up screaming because it came true.
2. Start saying positive things about Nigeria if you haven't. If you have started already, then dream bliss for Nigeria and wake up like Prince Akeem in Coming to America because it came true.
Today's dreams are tomorrow's reality. (Only if you work on it)
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